Monday, July 20, 2009


My generation is at this indecisive point between old and new technology. I learned how to print photographs with chemicals, I’m going to learn woodblock printing and how to make paper. I learned the whole process of lost-wax bronze casting and other techniques involving some crazy don’t-let-it-touch-your-skin chemicals. And yet I’m going digital, partly because I don’t want to cut myself off from the momentum of graphic technology at such a young age. Still, all this computer stuff has been driving me a bit crazy. The programs have yet to sink into my regular process. I needed to get away from it and clear my head. So I went to a farm with two friends and worked and drew some things analog. Of course I scanned them in and colored them:

Life drawing. I actually did see some clouds like that (though not by the mountains).

The face in the tree – a half from life, half from imagination fabrication.

And cartoon memories of my friend in the lake.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I’m always an artist at the core, but revolving around that I have these phases of side-interests; For a while I was extremely interested in how understanding the science of how we see can be used in understanding how to make what we can see (art), sometimes I focus on (especially on the subway) what is the meaning of and the use of the time between an action and the result a.k.a. what is the role of waiting and its subsets of boredom, side-tracking, anticipation, and dread in our lives and our perceptions and acceptances of time and mortality, then of course sometimes I think about nothing, sometimes I contemplate my thighs, and lately I have a new material interest in mastering graphics software and using them for animation and illustration. I haven’t really started my new animation yet (which worries me – I felt stuck and scared when I tried to really dive into it) but I have been editing some of my scanned drawings such as these in this little landscape diptych:

I really love the control the computer gives you over color but I’m still a little wary over its materiality.